
A brake is a device which slows down and stops the motion of a rotating shaft within a certain time, depending on the entity of the mass to be braked.

MWM Brakes (Pneumatic-Electromagnetic -Hydraulic)

brake is a device which slows down and stops the motion of a rotating shaft within a certain time, depending on the entity of the mass to be braked.

We produce the following types of brakes:
– Multiple disc (or multidisc) – designed mainly for use in oil baths or low-medium speed dry applications;

–  Single disc – used only dry.
– Caliper brakes – when the mass to be braked requires large discs; the modular versions have one or more calipers operated simultaneously or separately.
The control can be manual, hydraulic, pneumatic or electromagnetic.
They can operate in two different ways:
–  spring released when the control generates the necessary braking effect.
– spring applied when braking is achieved without control, which causes the brake to disengage. These are mainly used as safety or holding brakes.


Please click the picture below to get the product information of the corresponding brake.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 021-51088285, email:, or leave a message below this page.

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弹簧应用电磁释放制动器   弹簧应用气动释放制动器   弹簧应用液压释放制动器

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